
Showing posts from June, 2017

Creativity and New Media

For this assignment I decided to make a Second Life Avatar and messing around in the website game. I thought it was a really cool and exciting experience and I plan on spending a little more time on it to see how else I would be able to change my avatar and activities within the game. I'm excited to use my creativity to play this game!

HW Creativity

Creativity and new media go hand in hand - new media is fully geared towards individual's creative sides. New media allows people to express themselves in any which, way, or form and connects individuals who have same interests, hobbies, and favorite pass-times. New media allows individuals to create vlogs on youtube, blogs on numerous websites, and post pictures that express their personality. People can create pages, hold events, and schedule meet-ups all through the social media platform Facebook. Additionally, social media platform Instagram allows both individuals and companies to foster their creativity and create an engaging, well put together page that properly illustrates the public image the organization wants to hold. Social media platform Twitter fosters creativity from both it's employees and its users through the way the employees gather ideas from its followers. The New York Times article titled "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers" by Claire Ca

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual reality is a result of exponential technological advancements over the past decade. Our capabilities and interconnectedness with technology has created fads like virtual reality and augmented reality. Virtual reality allows an individual to experience and trick their minds to believing they're actually in the picture they're seeing. Virtual reality allows indivdiuals to be who they want, where they want, and the kind of "reality" they want to create for themselves. This is quite exciting for some people and very scary for others. For certain individuals with mental illness, like autism, virtual reality can provide an experience that one may not have been ever to experience themselves first hand.  Nicole Saidi discusses this in her article "'Naughty Aunties' battle autism with virtual interaction" and illustrates how virtual reality allowed children to create an avatar of themselves and participate in activities like real life interaction, co

Social Networking Sites

I've been quite active on social media for the past few years of my life and I feel like each platform has a very different vibe to it. Facebook to me is more for sharing more life moments, picture albums, and putting things I would want all of my friends and family to see. I would never publish anything too personal or something that I might not want all my cousins in India seeing! Facebook I feel like has turned into more of a video sharing platform than anything, with my timeline being filled with mainly videos of really anything. Twitter for me is a little more difficult to get addicted to or to spend too much time on just because of the way the timeline shows up, as well as the thought (or also the lack of) that needs to go into tweeting things periodically. I find that it's difficult to actually go through a lot of tweets and know who said what when. Instagram is one of my favorite social media platforms which I truly think will be used significantly more in the future

Social Networking

There are many social media platforms that exist today that we can use to develop our personal and professional lives. These platforms include websites and organizations like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and many others. Many firms utilize these networks to understand their employees, their customers, and to create social networks that encourage connectivity and sharing of information throughout all users. Social networking is used in corporate america today to create brand images, outreach to customers, and to create a more friendly and personable company image. They are designed also to create relationships amongst many people, to widen their outreach, and also to create a community of individuals that share the same interests, hobbies, or passions. From an organizational point of view, corporations choose to use social media platforms like LinkedIn to help with their recruiting efforts by reaching out to the general public with job openings and positions they may need to fill. Ad

Blog: Blog vs. Wiki

There are many distinctions between blogs and wikis that are important to understand when comparing the two but are very similar in certain instances. For example, both are similar in teh sense that it allows individuals to share ideas and offer different viewpoints towards topics on internet platforms. Some kinds of blogs include fitness blogs, personal blogs, photography blogs, and many other kinds of blogs that often have one author who expresses their viewpoint towards the topic discussed. Blogs also help individuals share information and allow others to post comments on their work. Michael Wilson discusses this in his article "Brooklyn Blog Leads to Drug Raid" by discussing how individuals around the neighborhood contributed to a blog to help the crime fighting efforts in the area. The article emphasis' the impact a blog may have and help keep individuals in the loop. Wikis are quite different from blogs but have some of the same characteristics. While wikis a

Social Media: More than just an online profile? (Description)

Project Proposal Description For my term project, I plan on analyzing the affect social media has on our lives and how our internet personalities contribute tremendously to how individuals view us. This project will be focusing on the reach of social media and will discuss how social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have allowed individuals to promote either their personal brand or increase brand awareness through endorsements from organizations. I plan on citing reputable sources to support my case that social media platforms contribute greatly towards brand and personal images while choosing a few internet personalities that have successfully created online profiles that coincide with their personal brand and the way they want to be perceived. 

Father's Day: Technology Edition

This weekend. my family and I spent a nice Sunday afternoon at a cousins rooftop in Manhattan for Fathers Day. This year, my family and I decided that we wanted to give my father a long-needed update on his technological devices. So we decided to get him the new iPhone 7+ since he loves to take pictures and has always had difficulty reading the screen of his phone because the writing was too small. We spent the day playing around with his phone and downloaded new apps on his phone for him so he can enjoy all the perks of having the latest iPhone. It was incredible though, watching my father navigate through these apps and use social media platforms swiftly. It was great to see how new media has affected all of our lives and continue to keep us connected around the world.