Social Networking

There are many social media platforms that exist today that we can use to develop our personal and professional lives. These platforms include websites and organizations like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and many others. Many firms utilize these networks to understand their employees, their customers, and to create social networks that encourage connectivity and sharing of information throughout all users.

Social networking is used in corporate america today to create brand images, outreach to customers, and to create a more friendly and personable company image. They are designed also to create relationships amongst many people, to widen their outreach, and also to create a community of individuals that share the same interests, hobbies, or passions. From an organizational point of view, corporations choose to use social media platforms like LinkedIn to help with their recruiting efforts by reaching out to the general public with job openings and positions they may need to fill. Additionally, companies use LinkedIn and individual's personal profiles to gather market information and conduct demographic analysis' on the individuals in the area, profession, and their target group. I think that social media platforms also allow small businesses and individuals to gather information extremely easily and create an accessible way to information for all. In "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting", the article discusses how professional recruiters have started looking for job candidates on social media and how it has made their job to find candidates increasingly simple. However, the article also discusses a potential "dark side" towards using this kind of social media approach, which makes it a little more difficult to develop a relationship with an individual. Shally Stekerel states that theres no replacement for  the much older social media tool: the telephone. Additionally, the reading "Is MySpace Good for Society? A Freakonomics Quorum" discusses the downfalls of social media that include the abuse of services to gossip, harm others, cyber bullying, and wickedness of users online. The article illustrates a side of social media that can cause physical harm to others, which is extremely dangerous.

I think that social media platforms in the future will continue to get more integrated into our daily lives and we'll find ourselves more and more dependent on the functionality and continuous improvement of the online social media world. Although there are many negatives of social media, I think as long as we keep the human factors and our relational habits in check, our society will change tremendously for the better. 


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