Social Networking Sites

I've been quite active on social media for the past few years of my life and I feel like each platform has a very different vibe to it. Facebook to me is more for sharing more life moments, picture albums, and putting things I would want all of my friends and family to see. I would never publish anything too personal or something that I might not want all my cousins in India seeing! Facebook I feel like has turned into more of a video sharing platform than anything, with my timeline being filled with mainly videos of really anything.

Twitter for me is a little more difficult to get addicted to or to spend too much time on just because of the way the timeline shows up, as well as the thought (or also the lack of) that needs to go into tweeting things periodically. I find that it's difficult to actually go through a lot of tweets and know who said what when. Instagram is one of my favorite social media platforms which I truly think will be used significantly more in the future. They've made a lot of changes to the interface by adding features like the story, filters, and the ability to add more than one photo to a post. Plus they've changed the way your timeline shows pictures - it's not based on when your picture was posted, but moreso based on an internal algorithm that pushes your picture out on people's timelines at different times so you can still see pictures from a week ago without actually scrolling back a whole week. Snapchat is another social media platform I use often, however I find myself posting random videos and things, again, I wouldn't want anyone on my Instagram seeing. I feel like their interface is good but is going to have a tough time competing with Instagram in the future. 


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