Blog: Blog vs. Wiki

There are many distinctions between blogs and wikis that are important to understand when comparing the two but are very similar in certain instances. For example, both are similar in teh sense that it allows individuals to share ideas and offer different viewpoints towards topics on internet platforms. Some kinds of blogs include fitness blogs, personal blogs, photography blogs, and many other kinds of blogs that often have one author who expresses their viewpoint towards the topic discussed. Blogs also help individuals share information and allow others to post comments on their work. Michael Wilson discusses this in his article "Brooklyn Blog Leads to Drug Raid" by discussing how individuals around the neighborhood contributed to a blog to help the crime fighting efforts in the area. The article emphasis' the impact a blog may have and help keep individuals in the loop.

Wikis are quite different from blogs but have some of the same characteristics. While wikis allow individuals to share ideas and encourages collaboration between individuals as well, they have many contributors and authors towards the article. Wiki's allow people to add and edit information while working alongside others to refine the information on any given page. Wikipedia, singlehandedly one of the biggest wikis out there, is a great example of how these wikis work. Noam Cohen discusses this in "Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Art
icles on People" because it sheds light on a common problem that arises with the use of wikis - individuals changing information to essentially troll an individual's page. The article also discusses the difference between the many kinds of contributors - experienced, trusted editors, and the general population.

A great use for a wiki would be a classroom app that would allow individuals to update assignments, notes, and increase the sharing capabilities amongst students to drive efficiency and effectiveness in the classroom.  


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