Social Media: More than just an online profile? (Description)

Project Proposal Description

For my term project, I plan on analyzing the affect social media has on our lives and how our internet personalities contribute tremendously to how individuals view us. This project will be focusing on the reach of social media and will discuss how social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have allowed individuals to promote either their personal brand or increase brand awareness through endorsements from organizations. I plan on citing reputable sources to support my case that social media platforms contribute greatly towards brand and personal images while choosing a few internet personalities that have successfully created online profiles that coincide with their personal brand and the way they want to be perceived. 


  1. I think this is a really good topic because it is so relevant to our lives. We spend so much time on these social networking sites and building our Internet personalities. Through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, I agree that we are building a brand for ourselves through what we post and what we contribute online. Celebrities as well use these platforms to build their personal brand as well as promote others through endorsements and advertisement.


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